Hi everyone and thanks for visiting our blog. My wife and I created this blog to chronicle our experience while raising a son with Asperger's syndrome. Since our son was diagnosed with an ASD at age 5, we've had a lot of questions. Lucky for us we have a great support network in place. And our blog gives us an opportunity to share what we've learned with our readers. We hope you find our blog informative and interesting. Thanks again for visiting.

"It seems that for success in science and art, a dash of autism is essential." Dr Hans Asperger 1906-1980

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


Today has been one of those days where Jacob's sense of humour is dialed in to high.  And his ability to handle change has been so good that I thought I'd share with everyone what's been going on.  Jacob's afternoon EA has been trying to figure out how to help Jacob when it comes to classroom noise.  You can read my post on loud noise here.  http://jimsautismblog.blogspot.ca/2012/01/embracing-loud-noise.html

So she brought in a pair of cushioned headphones.  But not the  musical type, she brought in an industrial pair for Jacob to use when the classroom gets too loud.  So yesterday the class got a little too loud for Jacob (you can imagine how loud 20 kids can get)  And instead of having an outburst or meltdown, Jacob went and put on the headphones.  Mom and I both thought that this was totally amazing.  Now it appears that we can cross another class room stressor off the list.  And this means that Jacob is going to be better behaved in class and hopefully more productive too.  We know this concept is new to Jacob, but we're going to keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

Then today at lunch when I went to pick up Jacob, his morning EA told me that Jacob had just participated in a dance class.  Really?  I thought.  The task was to get into groups of 3 or 4 and come up with an 8 step dance routine.  And Jacob actually did it.  I can't believe how open Jacob's become to trying new things.  First he drank a milkshake with a raw egg in it on the March break, then he learns to use headphones as a method of self control and then he takes part in a dance class.  It never ceases to amaze me at how fast Jacob can change emotionally and intellectually.  Maybe it has to do with the fact that Jacob's turning 8 on Saturday.  I can't believe how fast he's aged.

Now onto the humour.  It's been unseasonably warm here in Hamilton Ontario.  I think there's been record breaking highs for the past few days, around 20 celsius or so, which is hot for March in Canada.  But at night it still gets pretty cold and when you mix hot days with cold nights around water, you get fog, and lots of it.  This morning when we left for school, we could barely see the stop sign at the end of our block.  Then it started to warm up and most of the fog had dissipated by the time I had to get Jacob for lunch.  Then as we were walking home Jacob totally burned me.  This is what he said.

"Hey dad."

"Most of the fog is gone."

"Your brain must have sucked it all up."

LOL.  I didn't even have a response.  I don't feel like I'm in a fog, but we know what parenting a child with an ASD can do.  Most of us are in a fog at some point during the day, I guess it was just really noticeable today.  But it's only the second day back after the March break right?  I'll likely be in this fog until Friday, but you can't explain that to Jacob. 

Then Jacob hit me with this question on the way home.

"Dad, after school can we go to the LCBO so you can buy some Smirnoff Vodka?"

"Um no, not today."

"Can we go to the Liquor Control Board of Ontario?"

"No Jacob, they're the same thing."

I think it was last month that I took Jacob downtown and Shannon and I needed a bottle of vodka.  I didn't think much of it, as we were quickly in and out.  Well apparently we weren't in and out fast enough.  Not only does he remember the name of the store, he knows what the letters stand for and he knows what we like to drink.  Oh man.  The funny thing is that the bottle is still unopened in our fridge.  But maybe not for long if this humour keeps up.  A funny kid with Asperger's is enough to make anyone have a drink.

This is Jacob at around 2 years old.  I was going to remove the red eyes, but they seemed so fitting.


  1. He would get along great with my son. Their humor is unique and special. I love it.

    1. Your son does have a good sense of humour, which is one of the reasons I enjoy your blog. I've read that it's a good sign if a child with an ASD has a sense of humour. Sometimes Jacob doesn't try to be funny, but he just is. If he's serious though, and we laugh at him, he'll get angry. I'd also like to see how Jacob acted with other Aspie kids. I should look into it further.
