Hi everyone and thanks for visiting our blog. My wife and I created this blog to chronicle our experience while raising a son with Asperger's syndrome. Since our son was diagnosed with an ASD at age 5, we've had a lot of questions. Lucky for us we have a great support network in place. And our blog gives us an opportunity to share what we've learned with our readers. We hope you find our blog informative and interesting. Thanks again for visiting.

"It seems that for success in science and art, a dash of autism is essential." Dr Hans Asperger 1906-1980

Friday, 30 March 2012


It's Friday and let me say, I'm glad that this week is over.  And honestly, after the way March has turned out, I'm glad this entire month is almost over.  I know that Asperger's has a special ability to make certain things and situations much heavier than they actually are, but this week (and month) have been something more.  Jacob's week at school has been very different than normal and has left Shannon and I scratching our heads.  Then again, what should we expect?  We know what Asperger's is like and we should expect the unexpected.  This week at school Jacob's earned:


Judging by the number of stickers that Jacob received this week, someone might think that it's just been average , but it's been much more dramatic and interesting.  This is how his week has broken down:

MORNING:  0/5 STICKERS with home work every day

AFTERNOON:  5/5 STICKERS  with no home work

I'm not sure what it is, but his mornings have been rough.  And his home work has been ridiculous too.  He's had to colour pictures almost every day at home, because he refused to colour pictures in class.  I mean, colour pictures?  Really?  I used to love colouring pictures when I was a kid.  Then in the afternoons he's been great and progressing very well.  He's been using the noise reducing headphones his EA has brought in and with them, he's been able to sit through stories and music and even a student vs teacher sporting event without having a noise related meltdown.  Let's see if I can find an answer to the question "Why are Jacob's mornings so rough?"

1.  He does have a different EA in the mornings, which could answer the question, but he's gotten many morning stickers with the EA before this week.  And in the mornings, he sees both his EA's on the playground and he's always happy to see them.  He even runs around giving them hugs and saying good morning.   

2.  We've began swimming after school again, but I think that swimming would be an incentive to behave, not act up.  And he's been sleeping and eating better since we returned to the pool for some aquatic activity, which I think, would help Jacob focus a little more, not lack focus. 

3.  Last Saturday was Jacob's 8Th birthday.  And last week, we were a little more accepting of Jacob's action because it was his birthday.  This could explain why Jacob's behaviour has been askew.  To most people a birthday is a celebration, but kids with Asperger's take it much more seriously.  The fact that Jacob is 8 now and not 7 could explain the bad behaviour.  But why only in the mornings? 

I can't explain why Jacob's mornings have been so low and his afternoons have been so high.  (Insert roller coaster analogy here).  Hopefully after a relaxing weekend, we'll all be able to put this week, and month, behind us and start fresh in the month of April, which coincidentally is autism awareness month.  We don't have anything planned, but having a child with an ASD is enough reason to celebrate every day.

Why have your mornings been rough Jacob?


  1. I think there is something about this time of year. It seems to suck the life out of my kids--we're so close to summer break but yet they still have all the obligations of school.

    I've found Alex has a rough morning when he starts to amp up about the day. He's gets up and right away starts to stress out. Sigh.

    There may be a small change in his routine that is throwing him off too. I don't know. I do know my son is sooooo sensitive to small things it's usually something that's making him react.....

    Im glad to toss this month in the hopper too! Here's to hoping April is miles away from March!!!

    1. You're right Liz, it could be anything that's throwing Jacob off. It could even be the weather, which is why we can't wait for April.
