Hi everyone and thanks for visiting our blog. My wife and I created this blog to chronicle our experience while raising a son with Asperger's syndrome. Since our son was diagnosed with an ASD at age 5, we've had a lot of questions. Lucky for us we have a great support network in place. And our blog gives us an opportunity to share what we've learned with our readers. We hope you find our blog informative and interesting. Thanks again for visiting.

"It seems that for success in science and art, a dash of autism is essential." Dr Hans Asperger 1906-1980

Friday 12 July 2013


Since many readers have some knowledge of the importance of consistency, I don't need to explain how drastic changes can adversely affect a child with an ASD.  During the last week of school in June, we received the monthly news letter that goes out to each student, that explains things like summer camps and other school based activities.  But hidden in the middle of the news letter was a page that explained how he teachers want to change the scheduling/structure of the school day.

The old day went like this

8:40 - 11:35 morning session

11:35 - 12:20 lunch

12:20 - 3:05 afternoon session

Jacobs day was slightly altered so that he could enter and exit the school without all the noise and excitement.  It did have a positive effect on him, so we would like the pattern to continue.  But now the school proposes that the day go like this

8:40 - 10:10  Session 1

10:10 - 10:50  Morning break

10:50 - 12:50  Session 2

12:50 - 1:30  Afternoon break

1:30 - 3:05  Session 3

The school recommends that if a child is going home for lunch, they should do it during he afternoon break.  But it's only 40 minutes long, so when you factor in 5 minutes travel time each way, to and from school, Jacob would only be left with 30 minutes for lunch.

Now after speaking to other parents that we know, some schools have been using this scheduling for years.  But I look at it like this.  My grandmother went to school almost 100 years ago and there was the morning period, lunch then the afternoon period.  Now all of a sudden the board feels the need to make a drastic change for some reason.

Using the old schedule, I'd be able to spend my lunch at home and walk Jacob back when it was time to go.  Now I won't even be able to see him until I get home at 5 PM.  Who knows how this is going to affect Jacob.  He needs the one in between periods to recharge and prepare for the afternoon.  Needless today, I'm not too happy.  But as far as I know, the parents willbe able to give feedback at the start of the year.  And feedback I will give.  As if my anxiety in regards to Jacobs schooling isn't high enough, now I have to worry about this.

Things used to be so much easier.


  1. It's too bad they want to change the schedule especially since you won't get to see Jacob during lunch. It takes so long for them to get use to the new schedule and grades suffer because of it, if it's anything like my son went through. 4 different schools - Elementary, Intermediate, Middle and then High school - all with different schedules/teachers/counselors. It was tough!

    1. My wife and I have discussed Jacob coming home for both lunch periods, but it still won't help the fact that I won't see him all day. And to be honest, I too need the joy of being with my entire family mid day. But things must change eventually right? The key is adaptation.
